As an attorney at Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC., Janell focuses on Family Law issues in New Jersey. She has over 25 years experience in the areas of divorce, child support, alimony, custody, parenting time, relocation of a child out of the State of New Jersey, equitable distribution, including complex property distribution issues which arise in high-asset divorce cases, post judgment and enforcement matters, domestic violence, and domestic partnerships.
Janell was voted one of Bergen County’s Top Lawyers in 201 Magazine based upon the results of the annual Bergen’s Top Lawyers peer-review survey, conducted by Professional Research Services (PRS) of Royal Oak, Michigan, and Bergen Magazine based upon the results of annual Top Bergen County Lawyers peer- review survey, conducted by DataJoe Research of Boulder Colorado.
Janell frequently appeared as a guest commentator for Court TV and Your World with Neil Cavuto on Fox News. She also appeared on Fox and Friends, CNN, HLN, Inside Edition, the nationally syndicated Bill Cunningham Show, WPIX- NY, TruTV, LXTV-NBC and Daybreak (formerly GMTV) in the United Kingdom to analyze various legal topics and cases. Janell has spoken on various radio shows and was a legal correspondent for the “Vinnie & Me” show on Sirius/XM radio.
As a former writer and contributing expert for FirstWivesWorld.com, Janell had written articles devoted to family law and real estate issues. Janell has been quoted in such publications as the San Francisco Chronicle. She continues to publish articles on family law and the complexities of divorce and it’s ever changing environment.